Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blog prompt 11 photography Continuing blog

Proximity. Baby turtle on the river walk trail

Vantage point, The third flight of stairs till I can get to my bed and crash after work and school.

Golden triangle possibly? Greenville South Carolina. Downtown

Golden spiral possibly? Mt. Pleasant, Charleston. Shem creek

Rule of Thirds or Disturbance?
Heritage or Racism... State Capital after sparked debate from the tragedy in Charleston

Disturbance- Charleston aquarium

Place- University of South Carolina Stadium. That is me on the right. 2011

I would ask them to write down all subjects, themes, place, things, activities or issues that are personally relevant and that matter to you, Purpose will then to communicate a message.
Include topics that are unusual, challenging, controversial, gritty or inspiring.

Other ideas: Architecture and man made structures

Most students have the latest and greatest phones so I could ask them to download any "free" app that android and apple have to offer.

10 portrait photographers you should follow right now or so they say

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