Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blog 9 color theory

The teacher will go over a brief power point on color theory. Then students will use pan watercolors or fine tip markers to paint or color examples from each color family. Example: Primary colors, red, blue and yellow, are the pure colors and are used to mix all other colors.

Art lesson design can be a mono chromatic image of an item brought to class after the concept of color theory is taught on day 1. 

There was this exercise I saw dealing with a color wheel. Then tell each student to describe each color that reminds them of something. So this comes back to the the Identity think I did in one of my blogs. this is her link below.

This link is about a peculiar self portrait over colored construction paper.

Sheet hand outs

Model lesson example

Image result for color theory art projects

Image result for color theory art projectsImage result for color theory art projectsImage result for color theory art projects

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