Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blog #18

Document your experimentation with marker wash. Think about india ink and other types of watercolor methods that you know or might want to try out. What elements and principles can you address with these medias? How could you use these medias in a way that fosters creativity as described by Cindy Foley in the TED Talk?

For our study in class the teacher showed a simple and cheap effective way of experimenting with marker wash. A student basically can draw on the paper itself, or rub the marker on a container and dab a wet paint brush to spread the color on any given surface. The same goes to the marker drawn on a surface and then wet it with a brush to mimic a watercolor look or India Ink spread without making a permanent mess.

My drawing was that of a landscape in Charleston and below mine are samples of other classmate works.

I've seen methods where you paint with a wet brush first and before the liquid dry's too quickly on the surface you use a water dropper filled with India Ink and watch the image come to life as the ink spread through the watery tunnels. 

Elements and Principles:
Achromatic/Monochromatic lessons
Mix Paint colors (Tints/shades)
color theory

Since marker wash isn't %100 controlled or of a standard scholarly art lesson with traditional supplies. The marker wash can simply be an experiment that the students have to begin and finish and somewhere in between have them fine something unique. A form from a happy accident perhaps. 
The lesson could be as vague as to just tell them to "Discover something". By the time they go and find it they surely will cover a few of the Elements & Principles listed above anyhow. 

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