Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blog #16

Describe procedures for how you will teach 3D using bought materials to young adults following through with how you would have them complete a successful piece of art using these skills. Lesson ideas from today can be used or you may find something totally different. Use as many images as you need, it can address any level of student or course in this age group. Feel free to gather resources from the Internet.

I would do a series of procedures. First off a lesson for a middle school class would include Twist-ez wires and tell them to make an animal. The course could also include a 100 piece 3-D design instillation to be placed around the school or in the classroom. To avoid the student body from damaging the pieces more than likely the designs will be left in the classroom. Only location that I could think of is maybe the schools library.

Bought material: construction paper
copper,soapstone, wire, cardstock, metal pieces, cardboard, foam, etc.

On a High School level the students could draw a 3-D design piece that both shows a use of negative and positive space. An organic form or some type of abstract angular design using cardboard. These pieces can be large and the student should think about tearing the outer coverings off on certain surface to make a corrugated work.
Image result for abstract cardboard artImage result for corrugated cardboard artImage result for corrugated cardboard artImage result for corrugated cardboard art

Another lesson idea could be the study of an organic plant and then designing a way that its shape could actually be built or lived in. A scaled version of the form with windows and ladders of some sort. A tree house or something on the ground.

A Level Design and Technology project

IGCSE Design and technology folio

architectural design and technology project

Materials- cardstock, foam, construction paper. Any type of material that can bend and not break and yet sturdy.

Contour study design using wire is another option.

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